Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Norman Water Treatment Up for Federal Grant

Cleaner water may be coming to Oklahoma and Norman.

About 32 million dollars of President Obama's stimulus bill may be alloted to Oklahoma's Clean Water and Drinking Water projects.

From there The Oklahoma Water Resource Board and The Oklahoma Department of Quality will decide which Oklahoma cities will receive money. Norman is currently number 15 on the list.

"If we get the grant it could fund some projects that otherwise would be paid by rate payers paying the bill," Norman Water Treatment Utilities Superintendent, Chris Mattingly said.

Some of the projects the Norman Water Treatment is looking to accomplish with the money are expanding the water treatment plant, replacing water filters, and getting a new generator.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

South Africa's Story

The OU Honors College is known for bringing in some prestigious figures to speak but this Thursday they brought in one of their own.

Mark Nehrenz, OU honors student and documentary filmmaker, spoke in Nancy Mergler Library, in David L. Boren Hall starting at 6p.m Nehrenz screened short documentaries from his time studying in South Africa last semester.

"I just want to tell stories and break people's stereotypes," Nehrenz said.

To see Nehrenz's work check out his website http://www.themarksperience.com/

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Students Tanning for Spring Break

Students preparing for Spring Break 2009 by tanning and tanning salons were ready for them.

"We've had a lot more people coming in as it gets closer and closer to spring break," Sandy Beaches employee Jackie Benedek said.

There have been special tanning packages for spring breakers. There was a five week package leading up to spring break for the price of a four week package according to Benedek who is also an advertising sophomore.

"I'm tanning for spring break because were going to Cancun," Norman resident, Natile Kelley, said.

There are many tanning salons around Norman. The newest is the Sandy Beaches on Classen Blvd, which opened January 2009.

2009 OU Pro Day

For the majority of students, a job interview consists of a face to face chat with a hopeful employer in professional attire in an office setting. But that was not the case for the 17 OU football players participating in the 2009 OU Pro Day this morning at 8:30 a.m.

The players started off the process in nothing but their underwear, standing on a scale in front of a slew of scouts, reporters, and cameras. After the auction like measuring process was over the athletes started running, jumping, catching, showing off their skills in the Everest Training Center.

The job the 17 Sooners are shooting for is a spot on an NFL team. Representatives of 27 National Football League teams were on campus for the 2009 OU Pro Day.

"I'm really humble I'll do my best to fit in where ever I go," offensive lineman, Senior, Duke Robinson said.

For the exact numbers of the 2009 OU Pro Day check out soonersports.com

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Free Hot Chocolate Provided By Union Programming Board

Free hot chocolate is available in the Union lobby every Friday at 11:30 a.m. until spring break. The Union Programming Board provides the warm, rich, chocolate beverage to chilly students passing by.

The UPB makes room for the hot chocolate deal in their annual budget and they buy it from the Union Catering Service.

"It doesn't matter if it's cold or not is about the chocolate and the perks," foreign language education senior, Mckinzie Crews said.

The goal of the free hot chocolate on friday mornings is to target the non traditional students who are not around during the rest of the weekend when the UPB hosts the majority of its events, Union Programming Board Coordinator, Michael Giesecke said.

The hot chocolate flows free until 12:30 p.m. or until it runs out.